January 2, 2011

Announcing Investing for Beginner

I heard a reporter say on Bloomberg News on Friday that December 2010 was the best December the Stock Market has seen since 1991. I recall a recession in 1991 coming to an end and the strong performance that December, setting the stage for a much stronger 1992. I'm looking toward a better year in 2011 for Stock Market performance and feel we will not have to wait until the last month of the year to see it! I wish everyone investing success for the New Year, as we welcome in 2011! Thanks for reading. I am also making a complimentary Website which will be more detailed and designed to provide plenty of Stock Market investing, ideas, information, and Advice. www.Investing-for-Beginner.org

Happy New Years Everybody!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good luck on your Site!